Matt Gifford aka coldfumonkeh | Consultant Developer
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Oct 15, 2008

Adobe CS4 is here

Adobe have announced the release of the new suite of design packages, CS4.

I've had the opportunity to play around with Fireworks CS4 last week, and love the built in CSS creation when exporting a layout into HTML. Looking at the new features in Dreamweaver...

Oct 14, 2008

GallerificPlus jQuery Plugin

I am very proud and excited to introduce my first jQuery plugin: GallerificPlus

GallerificPlus is a dynamic photo gallery with built in Lightbox functionality, and originates from the fantastic Gallerific and the jQuery Lightbox plugins.  I welcome any feedback or comments on...

Oct 13, 2008

Don't Get Caught Out By Minor Technicalities

I need more coffee.. or a beer.. or both

Today I fell for a really stupid problem, which just goes to show how easy it is to not spot the simple issues.

I'm currently working on a FLEX AIR application alongside two other developers. After importing the project files from CVS and...

Sep 11, 2008

Hello World!

I've been slow getting around to this, but I've been having a look at the Papervision 3D library, and how to incorporate it into Flex. Here's my first sample..

It's been interesting to learn how to create the wireframes and 3D objects. I'm looking forward to learning more about...

Sep 9, 2008

the book store - recently read

I have been getting back into my reading with a new found enjoyment, all thanks to CC, who has been amazing at suggesting some books that I would never normally have read (Empress Orchid, anything by Mitch Albom, and Alan Bennett in particular)

Below are a few of the books I...

Sep 9, 2008

Step 1 - regain health and quit the sticks

It has begun.

I've written a list. A list of things I would like to achieve before I turn 30, and I have started to work on some of the items on the list. The most obvious one, which kind of has an...

Sep 4, 2008

Clever Live Pod...

Tomorrow (Friday 5th September) at 8pm GMT BST heralds a new era in British Podcasting with a live version of my favourite podcast, Clever Little Pod.

I'm really looking forward to watching the show live. It's always full of great comedy and some fantastic...

Aug 29, 2008

The Matt Gifford Show Returns #1

It's coming back.. here's promo #1.

Direct link to show

Aug 27, 2008

Off to Flex Camp

Flex Camp 2008

I'm quite excited. The first official UK Flex Camp is being held tomorrow in London.

It's going to be a chance to find out the latest news, techniques and information about FLEX, along side other developers and officials from Adobe. Is it wrong...

Aug 19, 2008

Song of the week...

I heard this song on Adam Curry’s Daily Source Code podcast a few weeks ago and loved it. I had to track it down and share it with the world.