I will freely hold my hands up to admit that I'm not a designer. Most of my time is spent coding, but when I do have to work with images I typically use Adobe Fireworks, which rocks my world and does everything I need it to do.
Last night I wanted to have a quick look at Photoshop CS6 and play around with the content aware fill. It's one of those features that you see in the product demos because it's so freaking cool, but sometimes you wonder if it really is that easy. I also thought that coming into Photoshop as someone who doesn't use it would be a test of sorts as to how easy it is to use.
I took one image of a landscape scene:
Using a mixture of the Content Aware Fill tool and clone tool, I butchered it revised it to look like this:
The paving stones have been replaced on the grass, and some shrubbery has also been removed and replaced with a mock fence / divider. OK, landscape gardening isn't my forte, but you get the point.
It may not look like much of a change, but if you take into account this was created using a maximum of two/three of Photoshop's built-in tools and being used by a relative newbie to Photoshop, it's really cool!