I am pleased to announce the launch of the latest version of the jQuery plugin, gallerificPlus.
Following on from some fantastic comments and feedback from some users, I have added in the ability to set the image slideshow transitions to play as soon as the gallery is loaded.
By default, this is set to 'true' in the plugin. To disable the autoPlay, simply add one line to the gallery instantiation code within the HTML file, as below:
var gallery = $('#gallery').galleriffic('#navigation', {
delay: 2000,
numThumbs: 12,
imageContainerSel: '#slideshow',
controlsContainerSel: '#controls',
titleContainerSel: '#image-title',
descContainerSel: '#image-desc',
downloadLinkSel: '#download-link',
fixedNavigation: true,
galleryKeyboardNav: true,
autoPlay: false
There was also an issue with two of the selector classes within the plugin code that caused an incompatability issue with jQuery 1.3.2. This has also been addressed and now works with the previous jQuery versions as well as the latest.
The updated source code can be found on the gallerificPlus projects page.