As it was my turn to make a round of tea, a colleague decided to make a use case for the process to make sure all went smoothly. I attach it below so that others can use it and to avoid mistakes.
- User collects cups (or other drinking receptacles)
- User places cups* in makeshift tray
- User descends to kitchen carrying tray of cups
- User enters kitchen
- Check kettle for water
- If no water, fill with adequate amount for available cups
- If sufficient water present, go to step 6
- Start boiling the kettle
- Rinse (wash) cups
- Prepare tea/coffee for each cup as required
- 1 tea bag per cup, or
- 1-2 teaspoons of coffee
- Add boiling water
- Add sugar (if required)
- Add milk
- Place cups back in tray
- Return to 4th floor with tray
- Distribute drinks
Success: All users receive correct drink
Failure: Every other result
*'cups' refers to all drinks receptacles currently in use
A very useful document, I think you'll agree.